
Explore and have fun. You can use the bottom of the page to send me a message. 

Network Marketing and Homeless Advocate

They say the masters at the art of living make little distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their minds and their body or their love and their religion. 

They simply pursue that VISION OF EXCELLENCE at whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. . . 

. . . to them, they are always doing both! 

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About Me

I’m a tie-loathing, tree-hugging, Harley riding, wine drinking, plant-based Buddhist. I started my career as a stockbroker and eventually went on to own a brokerage firm with my brother.

I am the Founder of Powerful Intentions, the official online community for the movie “The Secret.”  I met my wife, Tysha, ten years ago, while I was throwing Law of Attraction parties all over America. 

Today, I am an advocate for the homeless. My wife, Tysha, and I started SpreadPeace.org, a 501c3 nonprofit, ten years ago. SpreadPeace.org has no paid staff or fixed expenses (like rent). One hundred percent of all donations go to acquiring and delivering life-sustaining supplies to the homeless. I am also a National Ambassador for Circles USA, a nonprofit that helps families get out of poverty.

I am currently building a 2.5 acre Kins Community in Golden Valley, Arizona. The Veterans Village Kins Community is an intentional community based on the Ringing Cedars series of books. We will be providing a place for veterans to heal and get financially stable by growing hemp.  I am working with Bruce Perlowing, the CEO of Hemp Inc. 

Network Marketing has funded most of my adventures in life. I generate leads online, and people contact me if they’re interested. Other than that, it’s just network marketing and the Law of Attraction

Homeless podcast award from network marketing company


vegan, sustainable podcast for social justice

Since 2012 the Up Close podcast is has brought you the thought leaders and activists making the world a better place. My goal from the start has been to inform and inspire. I inform you about the challenges we face today and hope to encourage people to action by sharing simple things we can do to make a big difference. 

I put my heart and soul into the show. I hope I make you laugh, think, and inspire action.

Social Justice and Network Marketing Podcast

About SpreadPeace.org

My wife and I started SpreadPeace.org in 2007. The day after we married, we decided to go out every day and look for people to help. We started posting videos, and SpreadPeace.org was born.

Today SpreadPeace.org and its Chapters have served more than 700,000 meals to the homeless, delivered thousands of tents, and now provides 80,000 pairs of socks annually to the homeless and homeless shelters. And this is all with NO PAID staff.

Homeless Charity in Las Vegas

End homelessness! Why is this still a thing!

Francis Died When the Temperatures Dropped. 

All the pictures in this video were taken in one day on the street with SpreadPeace.org.

Several of people you see in the video died on the streets only months later when winter brought freezing temperatures.

Homeless Charity in Las Vegas

Helping Animals

Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains un-awakened.
~ Anatole France

My Buddhist practice led me to adopt a vegan diet more than 20 years ago.  A plant-based diet can save the planet. There is nothing you can do to have more of an impact on the planet than switching to a plant-based diet.

Farm Sanctuary

This is a video of my visit to the Orland, California, Farm Sanctuary to visit the 30 animal we adopted.

The sanctuary was closed at the end of 2018 and the animals were moved to the two other sanctuaries in New York and southern California.



Keepers of the Wild / Kins Domain

Our friend Bruce Perlowin is creating a community of “Kins Domains” (2.5-acre properties that can feed and support a family with its own garden, energy, etc.). It will also be the home of a second Keepers of the Wild” animal sanctuary! We have our choice of adobe, dome, yurt, or earthbag housing. 

Lets Stay in Touch!

Connect with me on any of the social media accounts below.


Send Me a Message

I personally respond to all messages sent using this form.

13 + 7 =

Build ANY Network Marketing Business

I put my time into these projects because I learned how to do network marketing without beating up my Uncle Fred and Aunt Frieda. Network Marketing has allowed me to create residual income and fund Spreadpeace.org.

If you do nothing else, make sure you hit this page! It will show you how to build ANY Home Based Business.

Robert Kiyosaki Quote