The Happy Company Review

My Happy Company Review

The Happy Company review is my story. I joined The Happy Co. when it launched in February of 2021. At that time, they were the Elevacity Company, and Distributors were called Elepreneurs. They quickly established a foundation of nootropic and functional beverage products that enhance mood, boost energy, improve sleep, and make you look and feel like a younger person. Happy Company Distributors help people be happy and elevate their life. That may sound like a bunch of Huey, but there’s a tremendous amount of science behind the product. 

I’ve lost 85 pounds using the Happy Co. weight loss products in eight months. It has been life-changing. That’s why I became a brand partner. I want to help others improve their health be happy. 

The video below shares the science behind Elevate Coffee. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in becoming an Elevacity Distributor. You can follow this link to use my online calendar to schedule a call. I am happy you free samples so you can see what Happy Coffee can do for you.

Learn more at my Get Your FREE Samples

Official Elevacity Corporate Page
Official Elevate Coffee

Top Elevacity Distributor Award

My Elevacity Distributor Review

I got started in Elevacity, like many others. A friend offered me a free Elevate Coffee Sample. I was genuinely amazed. Today I have lost eighty-five pounds, am happier, and have way more energy. Because of the results I experienced, I became a brand partner. 

I first met Keith ten years ago. I was at a different network marketing company, and Keith was brought in to provide training. It’s super easy to build my business because of all the automated social media tools they offer. The app is preloaded with different marketing campaigns. I give away samples; people try them, feel happier, and buy more.

BOTTOM LINE: People are stressed out. Most say they could be happier. Happy Co Distributors build their business by giving away free samples. It’s simple. People try the product, feel great, and become a customer.



Distributor products

Marketing Support

As an Elevacity Distributor, you will enjoy one of the best marketing systems in the industry. You will have two product websites (Dose & Coffee), one business opportunity website, and an app you can use to give away free samples.

The app also allows you to select pictures or videos and post them to your social media accounts with your Distributor website. Anyone that follows the link is credited to your business.


Elevasity Compensation PLan

The Happy Company Review of Compensation Plan

The Happy Company Compensation Plan is a uni-level with Fast Start bonuses, revenue sharing, and retail income. It is an easy compensation plan to work, gives you the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere, and pays in a variety of ways.

As a new Happy Co. Distributor, the first thing you do is purchase your Virtual Business System (VBS). Your Virtual Business System also comes with the Elepreneur app and the premium version of Hurdlr’s bookkeeping and accounting system for the self-employed. Hurdlrs tracks expenses and mileage and makes it easy to file your taxes at the end of the year. There are a lot of tax benefits when you are self-employed. Hurdlrs helps you take advantage of each and every one.

I am excited to share Elevacity with people. If you have any questions feel free to use my online calendar to schedule a call.  If you would like a free sample, go Elevate Coffee Sample. I will send you a two-day supply and pay the shipping!


Official Elevacity Corporate Page

Official Elevate Coffee

Elevate Coffee Sample Button