HempWorx Distributor

HempWorx Distributor

Top Hempwworx Distributor, Chris Tinney, shares how to become a Hempworx Distributor and build a massive business. These are strategies top Distributors use and recommend.

Monsanto & Bayer Collude to Take over the Cannabis Industry

Monsanto & Bayer Collude to Take over the Cannabis Industry

Following months of negotiations and various offers, Germany-based Bayer has finally consumated a deal with Monsanto, purchasing the seed giant for $66 billion. The merger is reported to be the largest all-cash deal on record.

This purchase has the potential to change a lot of things. None of the good for consumers. Monsanto is already engaged in the monopolization of the world’s food supply. There is no reason think they wold not use the same tactics in the Cannabiss Industry. Expect more plants to be genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and grown with chemicals.