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 Working in the Peace Garden

By Tysha Tinney

Reiki Garden

This video was made several years ago while we were on the Peace Tour.  Our Peace Garden is a place where we focus energy in order to send love and light to those represented in the Garden.

Reiki & Essential Oils

We use essential oils to raise the vibration or to create specific vibrations. I’m a Young Living Essential Oils Distributor and use their essential oils in the garden. You can request free Young Living Essential Oil Samples on this page

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life-Force-Energy”. It is a system for Channeling energy to someone for the purpose of healing but you don’t need to be a Reiki Master to start a Peace Garden. 

You can make a garden indoors or outdoors. What’s important is that you create a sacred space for your practice.

Reiki Garden

Types of Peace Gardens

There is no end to the kind of garden you can create. This is a small garden I made when visiting friends in Florida.

Click Here to Learn How to Start a Peace Garden