Reiki Peace Garden with Young Living Essential Oils

How to Start a Peace Garden
By Tysha Tinney

Young Living essential Oils distributorA Peace Garden is a place to focus your energy to send love and light to those in need. People request to have a Peace Rock placed in the garden and, if they like, share what they would like us to focus our energy on.

I started making Peace Gardens in 2008. Right Away people began making their own gardens and asked how they could start their own Peace Gardens. There is no wrong or right when it comes to creating your own vortex of love and light. I share here my story, but you should have fun and do what feels good to you. For example, many of my friends are Reiki Masters and started sending Reiki Energy. Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life-Force-Energy.” It’s a system for channeling energy to someone for healing. But you don’t need to be a Reiki Practitioner. You can simply quiet your mind and focus on sending love and light. 

A Peace Garden is Sacred Space to Send and Receive Love, Light and Healing Energy

Top MLM Young Living essential Oil DistributorWhen Chris and I first met, we wanted to have a spiritual practice we could share. This is a picture of Chris working in one of our very first Peace Gardens.
Meditating in the “garden” quickly became our favorite time of day and remains so today. At the time we were traveling in our RV on The Peace Tour. We were meeting incredible people all over the country and wanted a way to send them love and light even after we left for the next city. That’s when we began painting rocks, treating them with essential oilsand infusing them with love and light.
Young Living Essential Oil DistributorThe Garden kept growing and growing and growing! We started gardens everywhere we went leaving behind a vortex of love for our new found
friends to use and enjoy. We intended to help as many people as possible start their own garden. There is no big or small when it comes to creating a peace garden. Every Peace Garden is a unique labor of love. 
I hope the information here helps you start your own Peace Garden and brings you much joy. Please message me and let me know when you start your garden so I can place a Peace Rock in our Garden representing all the people in yours. It is much appreciated if you do the same. Together we can create a powerful vortex of healing.

Creating Your Peace Garden 

Step 1 – Find a Sacred Space

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The first step in creating a Peace Garden is to find a Sacred place in your home, office, or outside. You will be creating a Vortex of love, peace, and healing, so it’s important to clear the energy. You can use sage, crystals, Reiki, music, intention or any other clearing tool that feels good to you. I know one Peace Gardener that dances and sings to clear her space.
Step 1 – Find a Sacred Space 
Now that you have cleared the energy in the space you selected it’s time to condition the space so it becomes a vibrational match to the loving and healing energy you will be sending.
There are a variety of ways to condition the space. You can use symbols that represent healing and love to you or sacred symbols like those we use in Reiki. For example, if you are creating a Garden outside, choose how large it will be and draw the Sacred Symbols in that space. Doing so will infuse the entire area with love and healing energy. We use lots of Crystals, essential oils, and statues in our Garden.
Add anything that has a special meaning to you. The purpose is to create a place where you can sit and connect with your higher consciousness. The things you add should help you relax and feel at peace.
Water is a powerful tool for harnessing higher energetic frequencies — indoor and outdoor waterfalls are highly recommended. 
Step 1 – Begin Adding Your Peace Rocks
Now that your Sacred Space is set up you are ready to Peace Rocks. You can find rocks on your property or purchase a big bag of river rocks, in all different sizes, at most hardware and craft stores.
Prepare Your Peace Rocks

Peace Garden with Young Living Essential Oils

a. Thoroughly wash your rocks
. Light sage and wave it under your rocks letting the smoke engulf them
c. Essential Oils are a powerful part of the garden. Essential Oils help raise the Vibration of your garden. I select an oil for each rock based on the type of healing I want to send to the person it represents
d. Now that your rocks have all been prepared, spend time focused on infusing them with healing energy before taking the next step.
Painting Your Peace Rocks
You will want to paint each rock based on what it represents. If it represents a person, you can put their name on it. Many peace gardeners trade Peace Rocks with each other.  The way it works is you place a rock with the name of their garden in yours and vice versa. This way you are both sending energy to both gardens creating a vortex. You can put Reiki symbols or other sacred symbols on some of the rocks to increase the vibration.
Acrylic paint and Fabric Paint works great because it holds up well in rain and snow. You will want to infuse the paint before using it. You can do this by placing it in front of you, sitting quietly, and meditating on Infuse the Paint with Reiki. You should do what feels best to you. As I mentioned earlier,  one Peace Gardener I know dances and sings to infuse positive energy. 
Now paint your first rock. Start with yourself. Nobody deserves more love than you! Each rock will hold different energy and be unique because you will be tuning in to each person as you make their rock. Begin adding rocks for the people you love and those that have people that have made requests.
Once you have some people you want in your Garden, write their names down in a sacred Journal, which you can also use as a Reiki Prayer book to send Reiki. Tune into the person as you are creating it, adding more love and Reiki to the Rock.

Young Living Essential Oils Sample

Once the Rock is dry, it’s ready to be placed in your Sacred Garden.
Congratulations! You Are Now Ready to Start Peace Gardening!
Spend time each day in your garden nurturing it and sending healing energy and love to everyone in your Garden. When you are away from your garden, you can send positive energy by visualizing the Garden, seeing the vortex you created and sending energy to your garden through it.
I  use a lot of essential oils in the garden and my home so I became a Young Living Essential Oil Distributor. You can get a free sample here.
Love & Light,
Tysha Tinney

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