Up Close with Chris Tinney

Listen to the show!They say the masters at the art of living make little distinction between their work and their play, their labor, and their leisure, their minds and their body or their love and their religion. 

They simply pursue their VISION OF EXCELLENCE at whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they’re working or playing. . .

. . . to them they are always doing both!



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Network Marking

My podcast sponsors are three of the most respected Network Marketing companies in the industry. Let me address this right upfront. I will never pitch you a biz opp in my newsletters. The residual income I have created allowed me to help my homeless friends you see on this website.

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Each week our Goodreads group helps select a new Author to be featured on the show.

This group is for people wanting to help select the Authors and discuss the books that have been on the show.

“Up Close with Chris Tinney” airs every Tuesday at 5:00 pm Pacific on the Voice America Network, which boasts 3.5 million listeners a month.


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Shut Down Bushman Safaris Zimbabwe

Shut Down Bushman Safaris Zimbabwe

SHUT DOWN BUSHMAN SAFARIS The killing of Cecil the Lion horrified me. When I first heard I wanted to do something. This page is my attempt to do something and I thank you for caring enough to come see what you can do. Bushman Safaris is the company that led the hunt...